The impact of PM 2.5 dust levels exceeds the standard.

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In fact, the amount of dust particles that have risen above the standard has happened in our home many times. The cause of this increase in the amount of dust is caused by many reasons. One of them is heavy traffic conditions. Especially in ufabet Bangkok with the construction of a large number of electric trains during closed weather The light from the sun will not reach the ground. If the production of the industrial sector is burning that causes the amount of particulate matter.

The impact of PM 2.5 dust levels exceeds the standard.

 Those dust will not be able to disperse in the atmosphere.  The causing accumulation of dust After a long time .The amount of dust is higher than the standard. Which the dust is higher than this standard Makes when we breathe in  those dust particles will be taken into our respiratory tract with large dust particles. It will be filtered out by our bodies through snot or nose hair. But when we meet you.Particulate matter PM 2.5 is a big problem. Because our bodies can’t filter this kind of dust. Try to Make the time we breathe. These small dust particles will enter our respiratory tract into the trachea and lungs. Respectively, which if there is a large amount of dust into our body, it will affect our health.

If the dust that enters our respiratory tract reacts with the body acutely. 

May cause various irritations such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, causing inflammation in the nasal cavity. Also may develop into symptoms of a respiratory infection and causing scarring or fibrosis that can affect the performance of the lungs. A study by the Institute for Health and Evaluation at the University of Washington found that prolonged accumulation of fine particulate matter in various organs increases the risk of chronic disease and cancer. (Source: PM2.5 dust, why anyone? Is that bad? )

Dust that occurs They arise directly from the source and are formed by the condensation of gases or other pollutants in the atmosphere.

such as sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen. Which may have a chemical composition is a dangerous substance such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The World Health Organization or WHO has announced that PM2.5 particulate matter is classified as a group 1 of the harmful  substances. Cancer in 2013

Can you see that small dust particles are really dangerous? Some people who neglect this issue may have to reconsider. Because if you accidentally inhale air containing PM 2.5 dust particles in such a large quantity that those dust particles spread in the bloodstream.