Get to know What is celery?

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Get to know What is celery? I believe that many health lovers must have heard of the name “Celery” which is a healthy vegetable that has become a hot trend continuously. Start trending from health lovers in western countries. Even the hashtag hits on social media like #celeryjuicechallenge  by this health challenge is Drink 500 ml of celery juice in the morning for 7 days in a row and share your changes on social media. until becoming a popular trend across the world to Thailand Even as time passes, health lovers are still interested in using Celery to make smoothies.

Get to know What is celery?

Celery or Celery is celery that we are familiar with, sure enough. Celery is a medicinal plant, fragrant, popularly used in cooking to deodorize fishy smells. Such as stir-frying with fish to extinguish fishy fish. The benefits of Celery are diverse. because there are many nutrients and vitamins that are.

  • Potassium helps in brain function. Prevents cramps Regulates blood pressure and enhances metabolic functions.
  • Vitamin C helps the skin to shine brightly. strong tube Helps in the production of collagen and is also an antioxidant. 
  • Vitamin A helps to see in the dark. Strengthen the immune system in the respiratory system and help reduce complications of various diseases. 
  • Vitamin K helps in blood clotting. This causes the blood to clot quickly when injured or wounded.
  • Folate plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. It plays an important role in the growing process and the breeding system.
  • Calcium contributes to strong bones and teeth. prevent osteoporosis It also helps to regulate the functioning of the nervous system and muscles.