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What is filler?

Dr. Manus Phothaphon, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Medical Services provided information that. Filler injections are filler injections used to fill in skin problems. Deep wrinkles in various areas of the face. Can generally be divide into two types: Temporary and semi-permanent by most temporary. It is

5 benefits of drinking water in the morning 

Drinking water is very important to the system of the body. because it helps deliver nutrients through cells lower body temperature helps various joints work very well. What’s more, there’s some useful research showing that drinking water in the morning regularly is very good for the body. How to 5 benefits

Collect money as a salaryman. How to be rich.

Many people may think that being a salaryman has a low salary that makes them unable to get rich. which wealth is a matter of thought It depends on how we set our financial goals. For some people, having a hundred thousand is already rich. For some people, there

How to Kaempferia juice.

How to Kaempferia juice.  Kaempferia is a medicinal plant that can be cook in a variety of dishes. Besides being delicious. Kaempferia and Ginger are also local herbs that have been used as food and medicine for a long time. Folk wisdom that is used to cure mouth diseases

What good routines does a healthy person have?

What good routines does a healthy person have? We all want good healthy and long life. But how many people will keep checking that? How much “routine” you do is helping you to be a healthy person to live longer. So let’s examine these 8 habits from now on, do

5 signs that this person is a true friend

5 signs that this person is a true friend

5 signs that this person is a true friend, can be in a relationship, be in a good relationship, have a happy life. Of course, there may be many friends around us. But not all friends will love and care about us 100%, which if really

4 Consequences of working late more dangerous

4 Consequences of working late more dangerous

4 Consequences of working late more dangerous than you think Even if your brain is running, you should sleep. I believe that many people tend to be working late at night. In fact, it should be a time when we rest more. But with the brain that doesn’t love

Get to know What is celery?

Get to know What is celery?

Get to know What is celery? I believe that many health lovers must have heard of the name “Celery” which is a healthy vegetable that has become a hot trend continuously. Start trending from health lovers in western countries. Even the hashtag hits on social media like #celeryjuicechallenge  by this health challenge is Drink 500

How to clean leather furniture the right way.

How to clean leather furniture the right way

Normally, cleaning of genuine leather and faux leather furniture is done in a similar way: Regularly wipe dust off leather furniture with a dry cloth. If your sofa or leather chair doesn’t have a lot of dirt, use a clean , dry cloth to wipe it 2-3